Featured Projects

Berlin Covid-19 Dashboard

Berlin Covid-19 Dashboard

A dashboard showing charts and information regarding new Covid-19 cases in Berlin.

Python, pandas, Streamlit

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Holla if ya hear me

Holla If Ya Hear Me screenshot

A fun web app to generate hot takes regarding the relative coolness of various musicians and bands.

Python, Flask, Heroku, HTML, CSS

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Thing Finder

Thing Finder screenshot

A CRUD app built in Python using the Flask framework.

Python, Flask, Heroku, HTML, CSS

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Machine Learning Web Application

A screenshot of the California Housing Prices Web Application

Web App built using Streamlit to predict housing prices using the California Housing Price dataset.

Python, Scikit Learn, Streamlit, pandas, Numpy, Heroku

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Deep Neural Networks with TensorFlow

Neural Network - Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Machine Learning project utilising TensorFlow to build a deep neural network model.

Python, TensorFlow, Keras, pandas, Numpy

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A map of Avocado prices in the United States produced using Bokeh in Python

Using Bokeh to produce an interactive heatmap visualisation of avocado prices in the United States.

Python, Bokeh, pandas, Numpy

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GitHub Projects