
Here you can find links to my publications relating to Data Analysis and Programming. I have been fortunate enough to publish work on freeCodeCamp , Towards Dev and Towards Data Science.

This page displays links to the pages where the articles are hosted. If you have any problems accessing them (no more free Medium articles for this month?) contact me and I'll send you a link so you can read them.

Craig Dickson

Featured Articles

Building a Financial Data Pipeline with Alpha Vantage and ClickHouse - Towards Dev

A tutorial on building a complete end-to-end ETL pipeline, extracting financial data from the Alpha Vantage API, transforming it using python and pandas, loading it into Clickhouse's cloud RDBMS, and extracting some useful insights.

Python, pandas, Clickhouse, Alpha Vantage

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How to Create and Manipulate SQL Databases with Python - freeCodeCamp

A tutorial on how to use Python and SQL (specifically MySQL using the MySQL Connector) together. It covers using the MySQL Connector to extract data from a Relational Database for use in projects in Python (such as an ML pipeline, or to feed into a visualisation template, for example), and how to write data from a Python application to a MySQL database.

Python, MySQL Server, MySQL Connector, pandas

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MySQL Tutorial Series - Towards Data Science

Three part tutorial series covering the fundamentals of Relational Database theory and design, how to implement a Relational Database using MySQL and then going through the most useful queries in SQL.

Database Design, Relational Database Theory, MySQL

Creating an interactive map in Python using Bokeh and pandas - Towards Data Science

This is an introduction to making interactive visualisations in Python using the Bokeh library.

Python, Bokeh, pandas, Numpy

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Mapping Avocado Prices in Python - Towards Data Science

This is a walk-through of a Data Analysis / Data Visualisation project I worked on with geodata. I used pandas, GeoPandas, GeoPy, Matplotlib, and a few other libraries to get there.

Python, Geopandas, Geopy, pandas, Matplotlib, Shapely, pickle

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Where to Swim in Berlin - Towards Data Science

An Exploratory Data Analysis project using data from Open Data Berlin to answer that most vital of questions - which district of Berlin should you live in if the only criterion you care about is access to outdoor bathing spots?

Python, pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy

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